You have taken on, and successfully conquered, your third country. Okay, maybe conquered is an exaggeration, but you took on Thailand with great success my darling girl. This was your first trip to see Nana and Papa in their home and to see where your mommy grew up.
I was proud of you for how you handled the cultural changes. The language didn't phase you a bit (you even learned a few phrases and have enjoyed continuing to use them since our return - sa wa di ka; kop kun ka; tuk tuk; maa). Most of the food you handled well or didn't complain about if you didn't like it. You immediately developed an immediate and probably enduring love of papaya. And you tolerated being pointed at and touched by complete strangers at random times with complete calm and grace.
We rode elephants, saw monkeys, went to artists' village where you indulged your artistic side in painting a box, rode a pony on the beach, played in the sand, went swimming every day, saw and fell in love with orchids and frangy pannies, and overall had a delightful trip.
I hope you are able to keep some memories of this trip darling, and someday we can visit again and see more.
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