Wednesday, July 10, 2013

07.10.13 - Wednesday

I never know what you are, little girl. It makes for a very confusing existence.

Some days you are a Kitty Cat (and daintily crawl across the floor).

Some days you are a Sea Turtle (and creep along the floor on your belly).

Some days you're a Puppy Dog (and bark in response to any question asked of you).

And other days you're not just a Sea Turtle but a Leather Backed Sea Turtle--and woe betide me if I dare call you anything but Leather Backed!

I get in trouble if I call you Silly Rabbit, but I can call you Silly Kitty (or Sea Turtle or Puppy Dog or occasionally Whale).

And always you rescue the Tree Frogs.

Friday, July 5, 2013

07.05.13 - Friday

We've taken a new step the last week or so. You've always been a difficult kid to get to sleep, my little Blueberry. This hasn't changed as you've gotten older. However, I think we've found a new way to conquer nap times with little fighting--and for this, Mommy is very thankful.

You see, dearest, you get very cranky in the afternoons when you have no nap, especially when we're on duty and you're having constant stimulation. But you don't like to take naps--they make you mad.

So we've compromised. You are learning the fine art of quiet time: reading books or coloring in your bed. And guess when, you've wound up sleeping about half that time any ways! Love a good compromise ;)

Mommy's can learn to.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

07.04.13 - Thursday

Happy Fourth of July my darling girl.

We tried to Skype Nana and Papa this morning but couldn't get hold of them, so we made a video and posted that to them instead.

Pictures of you and Baby Brother.

He was trying to eat Doggie.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

07.02.13 - Tuesday

Short List--Summer Activities:

Finger painting with food-colored shaving cream.

 Playing in water.

Playing in sand.

Playing in a water fountain.

Trips to playgrounds. Playing with Daddy.

Going to the water park (I sense a theme here).

Playing with beans (I've combined a big bowl of beans for you to play with--you love it).

Cooking with Mommy (you're getting very good at making scrambled eggs).

Trips to the library.

Trips to the lake, farmers market, gym.

Bike riding (you are becoming dangerously good at this one!).