Sunday, March 31, 2013

03.31.13 - Easter Sunday

Today was your third Easter Sunday. You probably got a little bit more out of it this year than you have in times past. Unfortunately, it was a cold and wet day all day--not at all what I expect from my Resurrection Sundays!

Nana and Papa helped with an Easter basket for you, and I had picked up a few things as well, so that was fun. Not much in the way of candy (I figured what you got from the Easter Egg hunt yesterday was plenty), but some fun new bits of things. I'm especially happy about the new Bless the Lord: 103rd Psalm. The illustrations are absolutely beautiful. The author wrote one more Psalm like this, so I'm hoping to get that one for you someday as well.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

03.30.13 - Saturday

Today was the Easter Egg hunt at church. It was supposed to have been at a park, but sadly, it was absolutely bucketing down with rain, so the whole thing got moved indoors. We still had much fun.

You saw your first puppet show as they had a little service in the sanctuary before starting the hunt itself. You were very excited when you realized that the puppets were talking.

And then you went into a room and scrambled to pick up eggs. You were hysterical my darling as you first carefully shook each egg before putting it into your basket. Later you started piling all the eggs into you lap and then carefully transferring them to your basket.

You also met the Easter Bunny (I'm not sure how I feel about an Easter Bunny at a Christian egg hunt, but that's another discussion for another place). I was a little concerned given your reaction to the Chic-fil-a cow (screaming terror), but you were very comfortable with the bunny, going so far as to introduce doggy to him and give him a hug!

Friday, March 29, 2013

03.29.13 - Friday

Nana and Papa have been visiting Uncle Jon and Auntie Joy etc the last few days, and they came back today. Just in time for the fun joys of dying Easter eggs! You did a lovely job, my dear. Although the nice rainbow assembly of eggs you had originally done eventually wound up to be a rather pink assembly of eggs as you found redying the eggs was a lot of fun as well.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

03.28.13 - Thursday

Today we played your first board game (not counting Snakes and Ladders that you've been playing with daddy on his I-pad). Candy Land! You did pretty good; although, you are a bit of a sore loser. And figuring out which direction you were traveling on the road was a little bit tricky for you too, but we made it in the end.We will have a gamer on our hands yet, my little Blueberry.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

03.23.13 - Saturday

We are determined to make a gamer out of you yet. Daddy has introduced you to the wonderful game of Snakes and Ladders (on his I-pad). And tonight you were doing an excellent job of playing cards by helping mommy play Gang of Four (a fantastic new card game we learned from Mr. Joel and Ms. Richelle). You were saying Pass and putting out cards and doing a great job. I can't wait until you're old enough to play your hands--that's something I yearn to pass on to my children--our love of games. I have so many happy memories with Nana and Papa and your uncle and aunt and countless other people playing games; I want this for you too.

Friday, March 22, 2013

03.22.13 - Friday

So before your brother was born, we bought you a baby doll and some baby doll accessories, thinking that this would be a good way to teach you how to play with your brother as well as something to entertain you as mommy was spending a lot of time holding someone other than you. You love your baby doll toys and accessories. But I have to laugh that the baby doll is not the one who benefits from a crib and a swing and a mini Moby wrap. Oh no. The beneficiary of all this love and attention, diaper changes, kisses, and hugs, is none other than doggy. I should have known as much.

Daddy says, "I told you so."

Thursday, March 21, 2013

03.21.13 - Thursday

Hello imagination! You have taken off in the imagination department. I watched you today serve me ice-cream out of a boot, and take doggy on magical flights around the house. You were a doggy with a leash and an elephant with a desire for candy. Everything has suddenly turned fantastical--and I love watching you play.

Both your daddy and I had pretty good imaginations when we were little, so I'm glad that has translated into your life. Just don't let it run away with you, little one. Imaginations can be both blessings and curses.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

03.20.13 - Wednesday

Sigh. You have another ear infection little girl. At least I'm pretty sure it is. We're trying a different route and using a Gaia ear drop to see if that might help as I'm concerned about putting you through yet another round of antibiotics.

You spent the whole day alternating between wanting to play and complaining, "I don't feel good."

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

03.19.13 - Tuesday

We went to the zoo today. Normally you love going to the zoo, in fact you've been begging for the last week to go to the zoo. But today you were a little grump. You finally informed that you didn't feel good--which was sad because I wanted this day to be a happy one for you. I am glad, though, that you are old enough to tell me when you don't feel good now. Simplifies life greatly.

Oh, and since when have you learned the entire alphabet song? I know we've sung it before, but really, you completely threw me for a loop today when you burst into song and sang the whole thing--correctly--from start to finish!

Your sad face

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

03.13.12 - Wednesday

You were cracking me up today kiddo. Top two statements of the day: 1. When seeing a nut lying on the ground, you picked it up and brought it over to me. "Look! Shadow!" And here I had just been bragging on you a few days ago that you already understood the complex concept of a shadow! Perhaps not so much.... 2. While playing with various items laying on the counter in the kitchen, you picked up your brother's bottle (which I have pumped for but so far he has had minimal interest in), asked what it was, and after I said it wad your baby brother's bottle, you gravely looked st me and said, "mommy squeeze milk?!" Best description of pumping ever!

Monday, March 11, 2013

03.11.13 - Monday

My darling Blueberry--I have letters for you that I will post on here that I wrote while you were not yet born. Since I've decided to start journaling for you and your little brother, I will add them to this site later.

In the meantime, my sweet two and a half year old of the charming smile and stubborn nature, what a life you've had so far. Moving states, living in a children's home; you've had eleven "sisters" in your life already, plus your new little baby brother. How many more children will come and go through our lives, I wonder? I just pray that they will be happy memories for you and not hard ones or hateful ones in any way.

The big excitement in our lives at this current time--waiting for Nana and Papa to arrive. They should be here tonight (after you're in bed, I'm afraid). You and I have been crossing off a calendar for weeks now, counting down to their arrival. Every day you've talked about Nana and Papa coming and how you're going to "show them my room. Show them my toys." Today you calmly discussed how they are "coming here on the airplane." I love that you understand this concept--at least somewhat--already.

I hope this visit is everything you've been dreaming it to be!